Swimming New Orleans

It has all been done. 

Been done already.

It has all been done.

Been done already.

Yes, it's all been done already

So you might as well just hit the floor

As the tide beats soft, then steady

Watching the water rise like it's no ones fault


Mother the bathtubs running

Won't somebody get it?

If the sink runs over we're gonna regret it


But it's all been done already

So you might as well just take the fall

As the tide beats soft then steady

Watching the water rise like it's no ones fault


In the near future the land will recede 

Making more homes ocean front property

A few cites will sink, baptized by the sea

Houston, New York, you will be two of these

But New Orleans, New Orleans

of all that I've found

Your streets always dusty

your wickedness grander

but summer got warmer

the poles both don't freeze

and soon you'll be swimming New Orleans


So come pastor, come minister

Hands we will need

Dry off those faces

Be good company

There's salvation in labor

and safety in threes

swimming the streets

of New Orleans with me


Well, New Orleans, New Orleans

of all that I've found

Your streets always dusty

and pilgrims abound

We will gather this wreckage 

And haul out those seas

Willing to build a new Orleans with me


New Orleans, New Orleans

of all that I've found

Your streets always dusty

your wickedness grander

but summer got warmer

the poles both don't freeze

and soon you'll be swimming

New Orleans with me


Well, New Orleans, New Orleans

of all that I've found

Your streets always dusty

the pilgrims abound

We will gather this wreckage 

And haul out those seas

Willing to build a new Orleans

A new, New Orleans with me.