My Country Song
My country’s fast asleep
and they don’t notice
higher power as they beat
The brains of anyone
who guides the flow of capital with downward thumbs
back to those hands of yours
that’s where they took it from
And we won’t get the most out of life til they let go
As long as they detest and despise our human souls
look out below
oh oh oh mhm
Cause if it was up to you and me
We’d bring administration down to their knees
And make them swear to God
That we are gonna be their main concern and money’s not
Cause in the end it all will burn and they will rot.
You and me, we get the most out of life when we let go
As long as we detest and despise one human soul
look out below
oh oh oh mhm
But my country’s fast asleep
and as we all are eulogized
the price tags bleed.